Wednesday, August 24, 2011

GameStop Removes OnLive Coupons from Deus Ex

Here’s a piece of news that should shock none of you:

Video game retailing giant GameStop has recently confirmed reports that it instructed its employees to open new copies of the freshly released cult-favorite Deus Ex: Human Revolution and remove a second, free version of the game added by competitors OnLive.  In other words, each new copy of the disc for Deus Ex, also came with a code with which any user could access that game through OnLive’s microconsole or nearly any PC.  I can sense the wheels turning as our readers consider the ways they might have put that extra copy to use if they had bought the game elsewhere.

GameStop officials claim that SquareEnix bundled the coupons in with the game without their knowledge, and appears to be fairly cavalier about the situation, leading this writer to surmise that Gamestop has already crafted whatever dark lawyer cabal is necessary to see this action through.  SquareEnix has plenty of support and resources to buy their own legal interpretation, being the font from which many fan favorite series like Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest spring.

Let the legal games begin.  

Also, if you like free bonus versions of Deux Ex, you might want to get your game(s) somewhere else.

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